Overhead Crane & Hoist Inspection Certification | 2-Day Course
This 2-day seminar is the most comprehensive crane and hoist inspection training available anywhere and is applicable to all cranes and hoists regardless of manufacturer. Top-running and underhung cranes, monorails, electric, pneumatic, hand chain and lever hoists are discussed in detail. Students will not only gain competence in evaluating deficiencies and spotting safety related items, they will also learn to interpret Federal Regulations, National Standards and Crane and Hoist Specifications.
Course Topics:
- Crane and hoist configurations & applicable standards
- OSHA 1910.179 & 184
- ASME B30.2-1 0-11-16-17-20 & 21
- CMAA Specification 70, 74 & 78s
- Inspection classifications & record keeping requirements: every lift, daily, frequent and periodic
Crane & Hoist Structure Marking & Construction
- Bridge, cab, trolley, runway, tracks, switches, stops & bumpers, wheels, bearings, couplings, shafts and guards
Lever & Hand Chain Hoists: Pawl & Ratchet
- Friction brake
Brakes: Holding Brakes/Motor Brakes (Disc & Drum)
- Control brakes/load brakes (power and mechanical)
Chain: Load Chain (Welded Link and Roller Chain)
- Rigging chain for below-the-hook attachments
- Hand chain
Electrical Equipment
- Motors, brushes, slip rings & commutators
- Resistors, contacts & overloads
- Controls (floor, remote & cab)
- Limit switches, warning devices, disconnects
Load Testing
Wire Rope, Hooks, Blocks, Sheaves & Drums
Students will receive:
- 140-Page Student Workbook in digital format on a flash drive
- OSHA 1910.179 Standards
- Certificate of Course Completion
CMCO Overhead Crane & Hoist Inspection Certification is optional and requires passing a multiple choice examination. Those who successfully complete the exam will receive a laminated Crane Inspection Certification Card stating the individual has met the criteria set forth by Crane Manufacturers Association of America Specification 78 and is certified to inspect cranes and hoists.
Please bring the confirmation receipt that was emailed at time of registration.